Uppercase to Lowercase

Convert text from uppercase to lowercase letters.

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Uppercase to lowercase tool

It is an online tool that decapitalizes your text by changing uppercase letters of your text into lowercase. Having said that, it does not change the case of your lowercase text.

How to use it?

Our tool is quite handy when it comes to swift case conversion. You can use this tool by following these simple ways:

Our case converter has a simple interface containing two text boxes for input and output, respectively.

A “Convert” button in the middle triggers the case conversion.

We have shown an interface of this tool for you below:

Salient Features of our uppercase to lowercase text converter:

  1. Input the uppercase text into the text box.
  2. Or upload the text from the drive.
  3. Click on the “Convert” button to change the case of your uppercase text to lowercase.
  4. Copy or download the text by clicking the respective buttons of your choice.

Time-saving tool:

Writing a text itself costs you much time let alone editing and proofreading. Usually, you write long passages of text first and then edit them for mistakes. Overall, it’s a very cumbersome task as it requires great precision and time to proofread an article for capitalization mistakes. Case mistakes are so trivial that they are often ignored. Having said that, you can use this tool to save time and effort because it does your work in seconds.

Free of cost:

Our tool provides free-of-cost services of upper to lower case conversions. For this reason, you do not need to get registered or subscribe to any kind of packages for use. Therefore, you can use it anytime for free.

No Word Limit:

Owing to its efficiency, this tool changes the case of an unlimited amount of text within seconds.

Now you can change the case of numerous articles in one go easily.

Text sample option:

A sample text is provided to make you familiar with the working and accuracy of your text. As at times, you may get confused with the working of this tool, so we have provided a  sample for your ease.

Save text option:

After concluding your work, you need to get the converted lowercase text from this tool. Instead of copying manually, you can simply click on the copy button or save button to get your results instantly.

High compatibility:

Our tool is one of the most user-friendly and versatile tools available on the internet. It supports different file formats such as .txt, .docx, .pdf and many more. Additionally, it is compatible with mobile phones and PCs. You can, therefore, use our tool anytime and anywhere with a problem.