How to Create a Word File from an Image for Free

In today's digital world, the need to convert images into editable Word files is common, whether you're dealing with scanned documents, image-based text, or other visual content. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of converting images to Word documents using free online tools and software. We will explore three methods that cater to various preferences and requirements. Let's get started!

Method 1: Using Online OCR Services

Step 1: Prepare Your Image

Before diving into the conversion process, ensure that the image you intend to convert is clear and legible. High-quality images result in more accurate text extraction.

Step 2: Choose an Online OCR Service

Several online OCR services are available for free. Here are a few popular options:

Google Drive: Utilize the built-in OCR feature in Google Drive if you have a Google account.

Online OCR: Access this user-friendly web-based OCR tool at

Free Online OCR: Another reliable online OCR tool with a simple interface, available at

Step 3: Upload and Convert Your Image

Select your preferred online OCR service and visit their website to convert JPG to Word format.

Upload your image by clicking the "Upload" or "Choose File" button. Don't forget to specify the language if the image contains non-English text.

Initiate the OCR process, allowing the service to analyze and convert the image into text.

Step 4: Download the Word File

Once the conversion is complete, the OCR service will provide a downloadable Word file.

Click the "Download" or "Save" button to save the converted document to your computer.

Method 2: Using Microsoft OneNote

If you have access to Microsoft OneNote, you can use it to extract text from images and subsequently copy and paste the text into a Word document.

Step 1: Import the Image

Open Microsoft OneNote and create a new notebook or use an existing one.

Insert the image into a new page by clicking on the "Insert" tab and selecting "Picture." Choose the image file you wish to convert.

Step 2: Extract Text from the Image

Right-click on the image in OneNote and select "Copy Text from Picture." OneNote will extract the text for you to copy.

Step 3: Paste into a Word Document

Open Microsoft Word and create a new document.

Paste the extracted text from OneNote into the Word document (Ctrl+V or right-click and select "Paste").

You can now format and edit the text as needed in Word.

Method 3: Using Free Software (Tesseract OCR)

For those who prefer not to rely on online services and desire more control over the OCR process, free desktop software like Tesseract OCR is an excellent choice.

Step 1: Install Tesseract OCR

Download and install Tesseract OCR for your operating system. Installation files can be found at

Step 2: Convert Image to Text

Once Tesseract OCR is installed, open a command prompt or terminal window.

Navigate to the directory where your image is located.

Use the following command to convert the image into a text file:


Copy code

tesseract image.png output.txt

Replace "image.png" with your image file's name and "output.txt" with the desired output text file name.

Step 3: Create a Word Document

Open Microsoft Word or a free alternative such as LibreOffice Writer.

Create a new document or open an existing one.

Copy and paste the text from the output file generated by Tesseract OCR into the Word document.

Format and edit the text as necessary.


Converting images into Word files is a valuable skill, and with the methods outlined in this guide, it can be done effectively and for free. Whether you opt for online OCR services, Microsoft OneNote, or desktop software like Tesseract OCR, you have the flexibility to choose the approach that suits your needs and resources. 

By following these steps, you can effortlessly transform images into editable Word documents, simplifying the task of working with image-based text in your digital workflow.